Specialist Directory

Retired from Lehman College
370 First Avenue, New York, NY 10010
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Sandra Levey, PhD, CCC-SLP (Retired), BCS-CL (Retired)
Sandra Levey is Professor Emerita, the City University of New York, Lehman College. Her research has centered on multilingualism and multiculturalism. She has been the editor of six books, co-authored three books, and published over 20 book chapters, Dr. Levey is a member of the International Association of Communication and Sciences and Sciences (IALP) and was chair (2016 to 2019) of the Multilingual and Multicultural Affairs Committee of the IALP. Dr. Levey was appointed Chair of the Task Force on Underserved and Unserved Populations by the IALP Board in 2020 with the goal to develop projects to serve the needs of these populations by project members across the world. Dr. Levey has presented at conferences across the globe and received research grants for language studies in Kano, Nigeria and Bratislava, Slovakia. She is a Board Recognized Specialist in Child Language by the American Speech-Language- Hearing Association Council for Clinical Specialty.
Areas of Emphasis:
- Cultural and Linguistic Diversity/Bilingual Speakers/English as a Second Language
- Developmental Language Disorder
- Hearing Impairment
- Language/Learning Disabilities
Ages of Emphasis:
- Birth to Three
- Early Education (Ages 3–5)
- Early Elementary (Kindergarten to Grade 6)
- Middle School/High School (Grades 7–12)