Specialist Directory

Christine Kelsey, MS, CCC-SLP, BCSa-CL


Laura Hose Elementary


800 Fairview Avenue, Crawfordsville, IN 47933

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Christine Kelsey, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-CL

I am a licensed and certified Speech-Language Pathologist working in the schools for the last five years. I have previous experience working in a rehabilitation hospital in State College, Pennsylvania, a private practice in Cincinnati Ohio and at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center for a total of 35 years. I have particular interests in child and adolescent language, language processing, Autism, AAC, childhood apraxia of speech, and speech sound disorders. I enjoy supervising graduate students and young professionals in their Clinical Fellowship Year. In particular, I get the most pleasure out of my interactions with children to improve their speech, language, and communication skills.

Areas of Emphasis:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Developmental Language Disorder
  • Speech Sound Disorders
  • Literacy: Reading/Dyslexia
  • Literacy: Writing/Spelling

Ages of Emphasis:

  • Early Elementary (Kindergarten to Grade 6)