Judy Montgomery

Ad Hoc Committees Member, Election Process & Invited Certification

Judy MontgomeryJudy has worked primarily with pediatric child language disorders for over 40 years. Twenty-two of these years were spent in school districts as an SLP, a K – 8 principal, and a director of special education. Later, she joined the faculty at Chapman University in Orange, California and established the graduate CSD program there. Judy enjoyed serving on the Legislative Council, the Executive Board, and as President of the CSHA from 1987 – 1989 as well as the President of ASHA in 1995. Six years ago, she became the Editor of the ranked journal, Communication Disorders Quarterly. She has contributed publications to our field including 18 articles, 12 books and clinical resources, and one standardized test of vocabulary. Currently, her research, presentations, and publications are focused on vocabulary acquisition and interventions.